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Vaccines Revealed, Censored

Vaccines Revealed, Censored

The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to...
A Perpetual Tour on the Mumps Boat

A Perpetual Tour on the Mumps Boat

Recently, news broke that 25 military personnel aboard the USS Fort McHenry have been diagnosed with a “mumps-like illness.” As a precaution, the ship and its entire complement of 703 US Marines are stuck in a 2-month purgatory of perpetual sailing–unable to...
Shame on Merck: Corporate Greed at its Worst

Shame on Merck: Corporate Greed at its Worst

If Merck’s values were not clear before now, recent events should bring things into sharp focus. This corporate giant that claims to have the best interests of humanity at heart has just exposed what many of us knew all along: It’s all about the money. It’s not about...
Why There is Aluminum in Vaccines–and Why There Shouldn’t be.

Why There is Aluminum in Vaccines–and Why There Shouldn’t be.

You’ve heard that many vaccines contain aluminum, and you may be wondering why it would be considered an appropriate or necessary ingredient in an immunization. After all, aluminum is highly toxic to the body and especially harmful to neural tissue. Why would drug...
Polio, Acute Flaccid Myelitis, and Vaccines

Polio, Acute Flaccid Myelitis, and Vaccines

The news has been alarming: Across the US, 62 cases of a frightening polio-like illness have been reported. The disease strikes mostly children and moves quickly from mild cold-like symptoms to paralysis with no warning. Dubbed “Acute Flaccid Myelitis,” or AFM, its...
Guilt Tactics and Bullying—Merck’s Gardasil Ads Cross a Line

Guilt Tactics and Bullying—Merck’s Gardasil Ads Cross a Line

It’s not easy being a parent today. There are so many choices to make, and there is so much information to sift through…it seems like every decision, no matter how small, has the potential to make or break your child’s health, happiness, and future. Everywhere you...

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